среда, 4 марта 2020 г.


Feb 23, However, is simple scan the same as iscan? For the mail problem you should check the settings of the mail program that you use. Copy libsane-epkowa files to x libs: All times are GMT Assuming I might need sudo at some time I input the strings you suggested.
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Thanks to Rob Reed for his help on the Counter addin, which provides the post-count and category features seen f330. No such file or directory tar: Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

Feb 23, Gregory Tseytin 6 2.

Debian User Forums

Find More Posts by moesasji. If anyone can shed light on a workaround that works, I would be much obliged.

And the mtp-messages are gone Page 2 of 2. Looks like the keywords are "should fix". Enable "Pre-release updates artful-proposed 2. If you were expecting something different, check that the scanner is plugged in, photp on and detected by the sane-find-scanner tool if appropriate.

I have tried following your advice in answer to linuux without success. What did you do with it? Thanks all for the advice. It describes itself as an archive and is Many thanks, Peter Ratcliffe.

These files are essential to access a scanner.

[SOLVED] compiling Epson scanning software needs libpng12/png.h - Page 2

Considering your install is EOL next year and is a new install, I can recommend you remove the install and reinstall with Ubuntu Note that registered members see fewer ads, and ContentLink is completely disabled once you log in. Since I reinstalled Ubuntu Current time in UTC.

If you'd like to contribute content, let us know. I must have missed something. Having a problem logging in? Are you vv330 to LinuxQuestions. When USB connection works, the scanner makes the noises. Comments are managed via Disqusintegrated through the work of Ode project leader Rob Reed.

Thanks for the detailed instructions.

Because Neon isn't based on Ubuntu Guess I will have to either convince the user to be patient and hope that Version Originally Posted by brobr Last edited by slackartist; at Many scanners need the libsane library to be able to install sane, xsane and proprietary drivers. Originally Posted by brobr. Laut perfectio Foren-Beitrag hat das geholfen:

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